Are you receiving the highest level of healthcare?

Take our 90 second quiz below to find out.

    When visiting your primary care doctor, is your wait time consistently five minutes or less?

    Can you call or text your medical team directly, 24/7/365-day, and get an appointment within a day?

    When family visit from out of town and they become ill or injured, is your medical team able to provide treatment for them?

    Does your primary care doctor provide you with a written medical plan that is reviewed with you throughout the year?

    Is your medical team willing to make home visits and hospital visits?

    Does your current medical provider assess your physical mobility (e.g., air squats, push-ups, activities of daily living) and use that information to project potential concerns or deficiencies over the next 5 to 10 years?

    Does your medical team proactively call you to check-in on your well-being?

    Does your current medical team demonstrate a high level of service, hospitality and luxury?

    Are you satisfied with your current medical team’s service and healthcare?


    We certainly hope that you are receiving extraordinary healthcare from your current provider; it is what you deserve. If this is not the case, and your answer was “no” to two or more of these questions, it’s time to give us a call.

    At Forefront Health Advisors, all your answers would be “yes.” Our goal is to optimize your health while revolutionizing service and hospitality, providing a luxury experience in the medical field. We go beyond the traditional “concierge” concept to focus on the personalized needs and health goals of our members.

    If you’re ready to experience the tailored, high-quality healthcare you deserve, contact our team at Forefront Health Advisors now.


    Services Provided Traditional
    Sick/Injury care
    Less than 10 min. 
    wait time
    same-day/ next-day
    24/7/365-day access to
    your Medical Team
    Preventive care focus X Varies
    Unrushed visits with your
    Medical Team
    X Varies
    Care for visiting relatives X
    Care Coordination with
    Medical Specialist
    X Varies
    Annual Executive
    Physical including a
    written health plan
    X Varies
    Advanced Labs &
    Specialized Testing
    X Varies
    Hospitality and luxurious
    service throughout
    the experience
    X Varies
    Proactive & Preventive Plan X X
    Written Plan X X